First Position of Dignity

"Siward! Come forward, Siward!" King Cnut's bellows drowned in the raucous celebration, but the bearlike Siward dumped the man in his lap unceremoniously on the ground and shoved people aside to approach. "This man," bellowed the king, "stood by me when our odds were not worth a wager. He has saved the lives of many of us, and taken more from the enemy!" The host roared, filling the long hall with God's own cacophany. "Without him, I should not be sitting this throne today. His honor is unmatched. As a just reward, I swear to you, Siward, you shall have the first position of dignity to become vacant in my new realm!" Another cheer shook the stone walls.

Siward grinned. "The first? On your honor? And if some trouble should prevent me from claiming the position?"

Cnut stood and shouted. "Nothing on this Earth shall stand in the way of Siward's title! But if you find yourself in God's lands, not even I can help you." The thegns, high-reeves, and aeldormen in attendance laughed.

With a single motion, Siward sheathed his knife in Aeldorman Tosti's heart. "I'll take Northumbria, then.

"On your honor, my king." Siward knelt.

The king gulped.