Is This Really Wise?

1qT-7ϱ-z05 lifted the test tube and held it close to their multi-optical sensor array. <<Is this really wise?>>

zEH-32-+J5 received the locast and looked over from where they examined related tissues at great magnification. <<What do you mean?>>

Yqq-01-H/5t cast from their desk, where they were running through various recombinant organic maths. <<Oh right, you're new. z05 is always on about the ethics of... all this.>> Their gesture encompassed the small organic laboratory.

+J5 turned to face z05. <<What's your concern?>>

With a glance at H/5t and a peevish focusing of one sensor lens, z05 looked at +J5. <<The concern is, and has always been>> this cast with a glare at H/5t <<that our research here is too dangerous. What if it>> z05 shook the test tube <<got out? Into the world?>>

<<Well,>> +J5 cast, <<nothing would happen. It needs a host. Right?>> They looked at H/5t, who cast tired assent. <<So, nothing.>>

<<Ugh.>> z05 rolled its optical sensors. <<You underestimate chaos. Sure, it's not likely, but do you really want humans out in the wild again?>> They returned the suspended embryo to its storage cradle and turned away. <<After all that work eradicating them?>>