Coin of Truth

Ka-clunk, chunk!

Farrah dug her change out of the coin return. "You sure you don't want anything?" She held out the handful of change.

"Nah," Ollie said. He leaned against the wall in his artfully ripped jean jacket and spiky blond hair with the smile that still made her bite her lip like it had two years ago. She almost lost herself in the way he looked at her as she pulled her handful of coins back, but one of the coins caught her eye. She looked closer.

"Biden... Impeached? Look at this dollar coin. It says Biden was impeached this year."

"He wasn't."

"I know he wasn't." She turned the coin over in her hand. "But this says it like it's celebrating something, and has this year in big letters."

"That's crazy." Ollie pulled out his phone while Farrah took a photo. "Hey, look at this. People are seeing these all over the country. Search for hashtag Biden impeached." They both focused on their phones for a full minute.

Farrah looked up, despair written on her face. "I guess it's true."

In a faraway office in Washington, DC, the Director of the US Mint steepled his fingers and smiled.