“I found your car on Google Street View,” said the email. He followed the link. Yup, it was, indeed, his car. The scratch on the back made it clear. He was amused, and he wrote back to say so. Curious, he clicked on the image,and it blurred. His car was still a couple lengths ahead of the recording vehicle.
A couple more clicks. It was gaining on him. This was fun, a kind of little race. Who’ll win, our hero or the spy car? A dozen clicks later, and it was alongside him. He turned the view and saw himself, blithely driving a secret race that would be resolved who knows how much later. It stayed alongside for a few clicks, and then fell behind.
His exit was coming up. He’d peel away, the race would end, and his car would disappear. Click. The imaging car also pulled off at the exit. How random. He wondered when it would turn away, and he kept clicking. Right onto 120th. Two miles, left on 34th. Right on Cherry Lane. It wouldn’t... left, into his cul-de-sac.
He turned, and looked out at where he’d parked. Was someone watching him... now?