A 200-Word RPG

You and each of your friends joining you is a player of a role-playing game.

Each player names her character, then gives her character three one- to five-word traits. One is a skill or attribute, one is an experience, and one is a signature object.


Cannius Cant, strong, never defeated, heirloom sword

Alberta Alphonsa Margreta III, technologist, cheated from science fair victory, clockwork glove.

Players collaboratively narrate the story, introducing conflicts, enemies, and complications. When a player disagrees with how the consensus affects or narrates her character, she can try to change what happens with respect to her character.

She declares how she wants the story to go, and why this makes more sense for her character. Then, she can make a case for why any of her character’s traits makes her narrative more likely. Each trait that at least one other player agrees supports her story counts.

The contending player rolls one die, plus one for each trait that counts. If any die shows a six, she gets to narrate how the story goes for her character for the next few minutes. Then, return to consensus narrative until another player wants to do something different with her character.