King Dragon
The dragon landed in the courtyard of the castle amid much commotion. "I have decided to wield my power with noble purpose," it bellowed. "Bring me your king. I will instruct him." The king arrived. "I will not take orders from—"
The dragon ate him in a bite. "Very well. I am now king. My first command—" Arrows and soldiers interrupted it. After the fracas, it told the remaining soldiers to spread the word of its ascension, and to gather the nobles and guild leaders for its instructions the next evening.
Turnout was disappointing. "Where are the rest?" demanded the dragon. Lord Bockhurst explained that many of the nobles had returned homes to marshall forces against the usurping monster. Guildmaster Averna explained that the guilds were open to the change in leadership but wanted to reestablish the basic obligations of the crown to its people.
Three hours of negotiations later, the dragon ate half the delegates and set the rest on fire.
"Maybe I am a metaphor for corrupt power after all," said the dragon. "Or possibly for greed," it said, as it tore into the kingdom's treasury and flew off, gold falling from its overloaded talons.
"Yeah. Probably greed."