Restroom Drama
I excused myself from dinner and went to the restroom, winding around table after full table. After doing the necessary, I flipped on the faucet, ran my hands through the water and flipped the faucet back off. While I lathered up my hands, a guy next to me in the bathroom said, "Can I use the faucet?"
"I'm gonna need it in just another second," I said.
"No problem, I just need a second. Okay?" I shrugged and stepped to the side. He turned on the water and wet his hands, leaving it on while he lathered. I tried to reach in to rinse, but his body blocked the entire counter in front of the sink.
The other two sinks were occupied. "Hey," I said, "can I get back under there to rinse?"
"I'm using it," he said. Water ran while he finished lathering and rinsed, and I just stood there until he turned off the water and walked away.
On my way back to my table after rinsing, I spotted him across the room. I had my waiter take him a drink. When he looked up, I waved. And I smiled as he struggled over what the drink meant.