Something Entirely New
"I've created something. Something entirely new." The guy looked at me expectantly. I was bored and let my face show it. I heard a lot of pitches that claimed innovation, usually from people who had taken time to wash and shave, and who weren't wearing duct tape-patched coats. The puppy dog-excitement on his face was almost unbearable to watch. If I don't like the pitch," I said, "I'll just walk away. Begin."
"Somebody wakes up with amnesia," he said. I managed not to roll my eyes. "He doesn't know anything, but he's in this house with this woman. They're both in that late twenties to early forties stretch where you can't quite tell their age. Sometimes she treats him like a parent, sometimes she treats him like a kid, and he's trying to figure out why.
I admit, that was a little interesting. I leaned forward. He leaned in too.
"See," he said, "they're vampires." That did it. I got up to leave. He stood up so fast his chair almost toppled, and I put my hand on my stun gun. A lot of men can't handle rejection from a woman. "Wait," he whispered, "it's all real."
I left faster.