Tragedy of the Fucking Commons
Sure, I suck ideas right out of the heads of those who conceive ‘em, but it’s no crime. I mean, these ideas are just going to waste in their original heads. They ain’t going to do anything with the ideas. Most of the time, they don’t even remember ‘em! A lot of ‘em are bits of new song ideas, movie concepts, story outlines, and startups. Now, 90% of everything is crap, so I wind up with a lot of half-baked ideas and have to sort ‘em out? Takes all fucking day!
Most people, they get one or two good ideas, period. But once in a while, you luck into a goldmine, y’know? This one guy, he’s a machine. Two or three ideas a day, easy. Not every one lightning in a bottle, but way above average. Problem is, I suck him too dry, he gets depressed; he gets depressed, he has less ideas, but I can’t take any less. I got overhead, y’know? Keep it up, and the poor bastard winds up feeling useless. I should leave him some to keep him happy, but I gotta keep in the red.
That’s the tragedy of the fucking commons, that is.